Getting the right rating system for your online community can make the difference between an average user experience and a great one! If you are looking for the right BuddyPress Rating Plugin or bbPress Rating Plugin, you’ve come to the right place. Here, I’ll show you exactly how our new and improved Rating-Widget WordPress Plugin works and why it blows the competition out of the water.
With over 2.4 million combined downloads, BuddyPress and bbPress are the two most popular community plugins for WordPress. Unlike the bloated and slow community software that was used pre-WordPress, these plugins feature integration and ease of use as their main attributes. Most of all, users love them because they have an amazing developers community.
Even though using these plugins is great in and of themselves, you can always look for that edge that makes your forum or social network better than your competition. This is where a BuddyPress or bbPress Star Rating System comes into play. But first, what are reputation and rating systems and why are they even important for web communities?
A forum or social network is what its members contribute towards it. The quality of content is the most important reason why anybody signs up to be a part of your community. Therefore it makes sense to have a system of rewards to regulate the quality of the content. A reputation and rating system is a self-policing mechanism where members rate the quality of the content posted by other members.
Additionally, in online communities there is a possibility of trolls who can disrupt the community with heated exchanges or unhelpful activity. A star rating system discourages unhelpful, negative content and encourages helpful, positive and relevant content. A star rating system creates a more positive atmosphere between members rather than if there were no rating system in place. Consequently, this heavily reduces the moderator’s work.
There are several WordPress plugins for rating systems on the market which support bbPress ratings and BuddyPress ratings. While they provide basic functionality like activity and forum-topics ratings, they fall short in calculating the aggregated user rating. We have diligently worked to create an all-inclusive rating system to fill this exact gap.

Ratings on bbPress forum replies and replies’ authors
From this day forward, your BuddyPress and bbPress communities members’ ratings can be intelligent! Our new Rating-Widget Plugin premium release takes a combined rating of all user’s activity (status-updates, activity-replies, forum-posts, forum-replies etc.) and aggregates it. So for example, let’s say a brand new forum member, John Smith, publishes a forum post and user A gives it 5 stars, while user B gives it 4 stars – the combined average rating would come out to 4.5 stars and this would be reflected on John Smith’s user-profile. While that is a simplified example it shows exactly how our new user reputation support works.
We’re very proud of the latest stand-out addition to our WordPress Plugin premium version. No other bbPress nor BuddyPress Star Rating plugins on the market include this unique functionality. If you use BuddyPress and/or bbPress communities, this is your time to make your community smarter.
Download the Rating-Widget WordPress Plugin today. You will be amazed to see how quickly the quality of your community’s content improves.
We are setting up a bbpress/buddypress forum. We are looking for a rating plugin that will award forum activity rather than post activity. Is your plugin the right one for us?
We are focus on reputation by content quality, not quantity. Sorry, but this won’t fit your needs.
Looking for a rating plugin that will support buddypress member profile ratings and wordpress multi-site. In particular, all that users custom post types on their blog would be aggregated into the main site buddypress profile.
Also, a ‘report this user’ with notifications sent to the site superadmin would be handy too.
is it posibble for users to vote for other users? and the score is displayed next to there name on forums? so i dont want them to vote for content but just for the user.
Hi @Kumar, you disable the content ratings and vote user profiles directly. The ratings would be automatically displayed next to their name on the forum topics and replies.
I need a rating plugin that will rate Users/Members on their profile page as well as on the members directory.
I need to be able to paste your star rating plugin to the code in Members Directory. But users can only rate the member in his profile?
Also i would need a client comments/feedback/opinion about the members.Is that possible with that plugin?
Is that possible?
Hi Simon, we are focused on the ratings part. We do not support comments/feedback functionality.
It is possible to sellect who van rating.?
For example Only buddypress membera van rating ?
2. I want show rating form period of the time? Can i
We have installed the free demo of the premium version. Our objective is to rank replies to forum topics based on how relevant the reply was, according to the users’ votes. Unfortunately, we can vote, but it does not seem to change anything in the ranking. Is there something we are missing? Thanks.
is there any way that Comment Ratings Mode in your plugin can be used for the activity in buddypress activity comment.
Hello Rating Widget. Do you have a plan which includes both star ratings and user reviews? Your site mentions a user review add-on ( I think ) but I don’t see “reviews” listed in any of your premium plans. Please advise.
Hi there – the reviews is an Add-on that you can buy independently.
Is there a way to automatically embed the star rating system into each new post on a forum? So in a restaurant forum, for example, each topic would be a different restaurant, and every user would write a short review including their star rating.