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Frequently asked questions and support documentation for RatingWidget.

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I have added RatingWidget for Blogger Gadget but I can’t see any ratings, what’s wrong and how can I fix it?

RatingWidget has to assign a unique ID to every post’s/page’s rating. The assigned ID is the Blogger’s post ID. Therefore, if the RatingWidget for Blogger script can’t find any ID, the ratings won’t appear on the page.

Below you can find a short instructions that will help you to check if your Blogger’s template contains the post-ID HTML element. If not you’ll be guided to add the right element to resolve it.

  • Open your blog’s template and click on EditHtml:Blogger Template Section
  • In order to find the main post template container, put the mouse cursor anywhere inside the code area and click Ctrl+F to start the search functionality.Blogger Editor Search
  • Search for the following code:
    <b:includable id='post' var='post'>

    Blogger Post Template - Html Editor

  • Then, expand the sub-template by clicking the small arrow next to the line number on its left and search for the following meta element:
    <meta expr:content='' itemprop='postId'/>

    Blogger Post ID Meta - Html Editor

  • This meta tag is required in order to match each rating with its corresponding unique post ID, so if you can’t find it, simply add it and save the template.Hint: In many theme’s you can search for:
    <a expr:name=''/>

    and simply add the meta element afterwards.

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